Custom Designed House Plans

Exciting Home Plans began as a custom home design company in 1976. Over the past 40 years, we have designed 1000’s of homes for builders and clients. Our line of expertise is in listening to our clients, and producing beautiful homes to meet our client’s requirements, and high quality drawings for their construction projects. Below, we outline our process for designing a Custom Home, which you can call your own….your signature home.



Exciting Home Plans

Custom Home Design Process

Our Custom Home Design Process consists of 4 steps: Meeting and Consultation, Conceptual Sketches, Working Drawings, Plan Issue and Printing. The process can include such things as consultation on difficult site issues, landscaping plans etc. Home Design cost generally ranges from $1.00 to $2.00 per Sq. Ft. of Floor Space developed. If you agree to have your plan entered into the planbook, there are special rates that can lower your fees.

First step – Client / Designer Meeting

The first step is a conversation, usually on a visual platform like Skype. This is a method of “getting to know each other”, as well as giving you an opportunity to convey your dreamhome ideas to our designers. We ask that you first have your ideas scanned into a digital fomat, so they can be sent to us either in the conversation process, or by email. A site plan showing maxiumum site dimensions for your home are critical at this time, as well as any restrictions or architectural requirements by your lots developer and local building and zoning bylaws.

Second Step – Conceptual Sketches

The second step is for Exciting Home Plans designers to get your ideas into a sketch format. This second step will continue until we have a design that meets your approval. We will continue to revise your concept and send the sketches to you until you are satisfied with the concept. Once we have “brought your dreamhome to life”, we will move on to the working drawings stage. The conceptual drawings at this time will generally include : Floor Plans, Exterior Concept, and possibly a Site Plan sketch, if it is a tight fit.

Third Step – Working Drawings (Construction Drawings)
Upon receiving your approval for the conceptual sketch plans, you will be required to sign off on the drawings.
Upon receiving your approval, Exciting Home Plans will complete the working drawings for your dreamhome and construction project.

Fourth Step – Final Working Drawings sent out
Upon completion of your working drawings, your drawings will be sent to you. Exciting Home Plans prefers to send the plans to a print shop in your area, with a large scale printer capability. We will contact you with all information as to when and where to pick up your drawings. Using this process reduces the time required for you to receive your drawings, and also saves shipping cost.

Custom Home Design Deposit
At the time of the first step, and prior to Exciting Home Plans beginning your design, a rough budget for your design will be established, and you will be required to put down a 50% deposit. In most cases, the remaining 50% balance will be paid at the time of receiving your drawings. Designs that remain in the conceptual stage over 2 months, may require a second deposit to be sent, but generally is not necessary.

Builders and Building Contractors

Exciting Home Plans can help you design a set of distinctive model homes for your area or development, giving you a signature style home. In doing so, we will contract with you to hold your special designs for your use only for a specified period of time, so that they remain your special designs for that period of time, unless you choose otherwise.

Exciting Home Plans has site and space planning experts that can help you lay out your piece of property, as well as help you design suitable homes for your sites. We also can lay out your sites, showing which model fits on each lot. We have many multifamily designs which are not necessarily on the website, so please ask us about them.

Exciting Home Plans can also help you design sales sheets for each of your model homes, placing your logo, and setting up your graphic design is you so wish. We can use our standard format and place your logo, or we can make a special sales sheet design that only your company will use.

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